EAMCG would like to extend a very warm welcome to all Hall Hirers and company. Our team at EAMCG aim to make your experience at our facilities exhilarating, inspiring and most importantly comforting.

The conference has a maximum capacity of up to 250 heads bodies seated and per booking requirement that amount should not be exceeded
Top conference hall: Maximum Number of people 250 £100.
Basement Hall: Maximum No. Of people 100 £50.
Bottom floor Hall: Maximum No. Of people £30.
You will be charged for the time booked for whether you use said facility for slot booked or not.
All arrangements for the use of the EAMCG facilities are subject to the facility reserving the right to cancel bookings are rendered unfit for the intended uses due to on site works, or refurbishments etc.
EAMCG reserves the right to decline any applications for Hall hire and may decline to accept an application if said application is proposed by an individual or organisation who may present a risk to public disorder.
An application can also be declined by EAMCG if the intended activities will or can cause offence to other users or disrupt other activities of or at the facilities.
Members of EAMCG and affiliated groups will remain to have priority over use of its facilities, but all arrangements to hire the facilities with outside hirers will be honoured by EAMCG.
An application may be accepted with conditions attached. For example, as to an agreed list of conference speakers.
A booking for hiring out a hall can only be confirmed once an application has been returned. Applications cannot be accepted by individuals under the age of 18.
When a booking has been confirmed by EAMCG a contract for hire has therefore been established.